For those of you too young to know, How to Win Friends and Influence People was a book title written by a guy who apparently was a complete misanthrope who fooled the world into thinking he liked humans (Dale Carnegie). I read the book in my early 20s and thought it was mostly a waste of paper. I have not changed my view 30 years later.
I almost exclusively value people on a few metrics:
Their Honesty
Their Ethics and the (internal) logical consistency thereof (personal and different from my own though they may be)
Their ability to have a code of honour/ethics behaviour that is reliable (regardless of whether it agrees with mine or not, but based on their own metrics in 2 above)
Their Loyalty
Their ability to modify their perspective, based on factual evidence regardless of their personal bias, control their emotions, and observe objective reality and make decisions based on that instead of their personal preferences
Their Intelligence
That last point is merely a trifle in that after the other points, IF they are smart enough to hold decent arguments and conversations with me, the benefits tend to be mutual and both of us will/can learn from each other and grow as capable and effective human beings.
Most of Substack is unfortunately populated by voices that —while supposedly dissident— are in fact, either run by some low(ish) level shills, or —when not— are run by people that are really sort of mentally deficient in some respect.
This does not mean I hate or want to hate on such people (the shills, yes, because screw the traitorous scum, let them burn, but the reality is I can’t be bothered to waste too much time figuring and sorting the idiots from the paid idiots. As is my way: mass graves for the lot of these chaos inducing morons).
So, I will now identify the Substacks I find either worthless, suspected shills or infuriatingly only partially helpful with a dose of poisoned fruits in them.
Of course, it is the human condition that we are all, to an extent or other, in error, and I certainly have been so myself. One only needs to go to my OG blog and read the last 15 years of posts to see how my perspective changes and grows. In my defence, at least I own up to the wrong concepts I used to believe, either implicitly and unknowingly, or explicitly and erroneously. Very few other humans do this in my experience, online or off it.
Anyway, here goes:
Tree of Woe - Possible time wasting shill, presented himself to me as some military veteran, when I accused him of being some blah, blah theorist that writes long pieces of no effective or really relevant “concepts” that only a complete theorist with no experience of the real world would bother with. He was called out by someone else on the being a “military man” and after that there was only crickets on the issue. I no longer subscribe.
The Slavland Chronicles - This is one of the few guys who writes relatively cogent pieces that criticise the Russian Propaganda machine, which he calls ZAnon (as Opposed to QAnon) that makes Putin out to be the world saviour of the West, Orthodox Christianity and so on. Now, I am not retarded, and while I have rhetorically used terms like St. Putin and so on, and certainly taken a generally pro-Russian stance, to be clear, I do NOT think Putin is some kind of saviour. Most of the indications would be that he seems to possibly be aligned with the supposedly ultra-conservative side of the Jewish Coin that is in “opposition” (for us goyim) to the ultra-liberal, tranny-promoting side of the Jewish coin that they present to us as being on opposite sides, (and they may be internally) but whose ultimate aim is the same, the total enslavement of us “cattle” as we are seen by the Jewish overlords they fancy themselves as, despite not being 115 IQ as they pretend, and being the genetic results of people marrying their first cousins for generations, not to mention the disgusting practices they subscribe to in the Talmud.
Rurik however does tend to go “hard” against Putin, which is fine, he has his reasons and for the most part he spells them out and as far as I have looked into it (not much) they seem to make sense. So far, so good, but he is unfortunately completely retarded when it comes to actual Catholicism (i.e. 1958 Sedevcanatism: the only actual Catholics left on Earth). I kind of get it, he has been fooled and disillusioned before (he used to be pro-“Orthodox” and then figured out that the American version of this is also quite deeply entrenched into flat-Earthism, which is deep drooling retard territory. And I assume he also realised that Easter- Orthodoxy (always was) a semi-Jewish propaganda leading to false Christianity. All you need to do to see this is note the Great Schism and how it was mostly politically motivated, attempted to be repaired by the West multiple times and repeatedly broken by the East, and how even 40 years after the schism the Catholics rushed to help them when the Muslim hordes were kicking their arse all over the middle East, and as soon as the Catholics pushed back the Muslims, from the first crusade on, the Eastern “Orthodox” in typical duplicitous, false, traitorous fashion literally backstabbed them, did not provide ANY of the support they had promised and in fact did deals with the Muslims to kill them. And not one or two times here and there, repeatedly for ALL of the first three crusades. When the ever-patient Cathilics finally sacked Constantine in the fourth crusade (and by all accounts did so relatively gently) the duplicitous, traitorous, cowardly EO are still whining about it as if they were the victims. Now whose behaviour does that remind you of, anyone that strikes out at you while “crying out in pain”? Right. So maybe Rurik has thrown the baby out with the bathwater, he is young(ish) anyway and clearly historically illiterate and has NOT studied the history of actual Christianity. And after all very few have. So he thinks Catholicism (Christianity in general) is one big Jewish scam. You can hardly blame the boy. After all, almost all “Christians” are heretics, apostates and ignoramuses de facto.
They do NOT study the patristic fathers, and almost all Americans do some kind of weird mental gymnastic where they pretend “Christianity” grew fully formed out of the sexually depraved morals of Luther and King Henry and the entirety of Christianity, the Bible that was put together, the Crusades and the martyrs were not EXCLUSIVELY Catholic, complete with Popes, Virgin Mary and transubstantiation in Holy Mass for over 1000 years before the EO schism and still mostly for the next 500 years too.
Unfortunately very few people have the luxury of not having a dog in the fight as to what the Truth is, and even fewer have the mental capacity to go wherever the fact take them. And even then, even if they do, errors still occur. I can’t blame him too much for essentially being some kind of spiritual ignoramus and gnostic, but it does colour his writings and therefore his perspective is skewed. Catholics are hated by Jews far more than any other group for a reason. And it is that Catholics have ALWAYS known the nature of the Jews and their practices. And never made a secret of it. Which is why you can also be certain that the Novus Orco “clergy” are NOT Catholic, but ar sin fact servants of Satan. Only actual Catholics were ever Christians and only actual Catholics remain so. Anywhere from 100,000 to 1,000,000 or so around the world. And no, we don’t care about numbers. After all, Catholicism was started by 11 scared men and 4 women. And being persecuted and lied about and having most of the original organisation turn heretic is not even new for us. (see Roman persecutions, the Arian heresy, etc. etc.)
People like Rosh - The link is to some guy’s overall view of Roosh and is not really wrong for the most part. I met Roosh and was not impressed and it was immediately obvious to me that like most PUAs he was nowhere near as successful with women as he hoped/presented/intimated he was. And then he went full “Orthodox” and really he got that wrong too. My take in one sentence is that Roosh was never intelligent enough to find a balance in reality. He instead drank the Kool-aid of “perfection” and failed to find it (and will continue to fail o find it) regardless if it was in women or his pursuit of God. God may well be perfect, as a Catholic I certainly believe so, but our pursuit of Him never will be in our lives, because we are all flawed. every single one of us. So the hyper-piousness, the radical Puritans, etc. it’s just another fetish.
Simplicius - He is one of the more intelligent thinkers and chroniclers of the Russia-War thing although generally heavily biased in the ZAnon sense. I do subscribe and find at least some of his posts to be generally in keeping with a more “balanced” view than anything on mainstream news. BUT… if Russia really was doing as well as this part of the internet supposed, explain to me why they still aren’t even out of the Donbass yet. However much you may like Putin to be the saviour (or Trump, or Musk) if you actually bother to process the factual data before you, you can only conclude that every one of them is not the saviour of anyone and certainly all the ones in the West are still controlled puppets of the usual pedovores. Putin probably is controlled by another faction of the pedovores that may superficially appear more palatable to rational humans, but ultimately he probably is compromised too. There is certainly enough evidence to suggest it anyway. And while, sure, he MAY have had a change of heart and be in the extremely difficult position of trying to remain alive while doing the best he can, and still retain “on side” some of the pedovores that “support” him, even if that were the case, how are we to know? The only reliable metric is if he publicly threw off any support for the global Jewish agenda explicitly. And doing so in any overt way tends to get you killed pretty fast, regardless of who you are, so even if he were a good guy, it would be hard to know for sure.
Generally: If you are a flat Earther, please just go away. Your level of stupidity is intolerable to me. Please note that this does NOT equal you being a “the moon landings did not happen guy”. I understand why a lot of people thing the moon landings were faked. It’s because mostly they were. My take is we did go to the Moon, but not as they have told us. The video on it is here. Please note as an aside, that I am not a supporter of Owen Benjamin by the way.
Less irritating that Flat-Earther level of idiocy, but still not exactly welcome are people who believe the “official narrative” about any of the following:
JFK assassination
NASA’s version of Mars in general and the Face on Mars specifically, and really most things
Excusable but still wrong views on topics like:
Antigravity technology
Classical Physics
The general idea that the ancients were “dumber than us”
If you want my take on most of how life on this planet works, read The Face on Mars (only available in paper format on amazon) and then Reclaiming the Catholic Church (paper format or digital format). Those two books alone will change your perspective on life here enough to probably alter your life path towards more truth than you were probably aware of.
The Good
There are a few guys I read that are at least either neutral or positive in enough ways to make them definitely worthwhile, but they are few. One of them is Anonymous Conservative. Another is the revived Tex Arcana guy, because he posts some quirky but useful books, even if I don’t necessarily take all he says as being correct or even always as it actually happened.
Another is the Agent 13-whatever numbers guy who does deep dives on interesting things. Again, I don’t subscribe to all he writes but he has some pieces that are absolutely fundamental to know about.
So: What are YOU selling, Kurgan?
Nothing. Which means I am even MORE grateful to the voluntary paid subscribers here. First of all, your subscriptions, few as they are, actually DO make a difference and are very much appreciated. Genuinely, thank you. Secondly, I absolutely appreciate your help, but I am not actually trying to sell you anything. I am merely trying my very best to tell you the truth.
And the truth, in a TL;DR format is this:
Anyone who reaches a certain level of power in the current system has to make compromises. By the time they are high enough they will either be assassinated or corrupted in almost all cases.
No one is coming to save you that is literally not your good buddy with a shotgun when the jack-boots eventually come for you if you are not going to go along with metaphorically marching yourself into the cattle cars at the train station that leads to the abattoir.
Making that good buddy should be your priority. Along with becoming as independent as possible of FIAT money as possible (which is in itself an absurdity we all “agree” to live by that a child would see as completely insane once you understand it: “money” linked to nothing real at all is “created” by the supposed masters of humanity and “borrowed” to governments to “issue” to their citizens and the government is then “liable” for paying back the interest ton the “loan”. And it’s all done because the “masters of humanity” decided that it should be so. And they can issue infinite money to whoever thy like in myriad ways while your kid dies of cancer because you believed that a genetic serum that has killed every animal in testing for 30 years would “protect” them). This entails becoming water, food and energy independent. Not easy to do but not impossible either. But you need communities of people like that and they need to become armed and able to resist enemies when required. Chaos is coming and while this is generally “bad” those who are best prepared may well carve out little pockets (city-states) for their people. I predicted this specifically back in 2014 and stated two things will be pivotal: Christianity and City-States. And I was not even baptised or a Christian then. Now I say Sedevacantist Catholics (of the 1958 variety, not the fake 2023 Ratzi-the Nazi variety, like Ann Bernhardt) are the ONLY actual Christians and so far not only have I been proven right logically. I have been proven right empirically in my own life because the Sedes that are on my side have become invaluable friends and helpful, REGARDLESS of our very different personalities. The Kurganate is and will continue to happen. And it will continue to grow. I don’t care how long it takes, people are already starting to move near me and continue to help in small but meaningful ways all over. And if I can get the land to be more productive (I still need the vile FIAT money to buy tools for the tractor, fuel etc, but if I manage to do this I will be eventually fully independent energy, water and food wise, and be able to help others who join our Sede community too) the increase in interest will be exponential.
But the point is I am not selling it to you. Unlike frauds who “crowd-source” land, or “dreams”, I am not asking you to buy ME land or homes. I am only asking the following:
look into Sedevacantism. My OG blog and my books on the subject cover this extensively. If you are unconvinced by the facts, logic and undeniable fact that Catholicism has been the most positive development on humanity overall (which does not deny the many corrupt humans that lived and were even Popes (yet valid ones, unlike any since 1958)) bar none, then good luck to you and your endeavours. you will NOT be welcome into the kurganate, because we have over the last 5 years noted that only believing Sedevacantists have the kind of faith, trust, loyalty, and effectiveness to be positive additions. And no, we don’t care if you think that makes us racist, or misogynist, or whatever. Our wives are happy, our children numerous and our friendships stronger than the ones I had when I was working with like-minded people in close protection or martial arts.
If you do become a Sede and want to join us, good luck if you are a fed or fake. You will be seen for what you are in due course. It’s practically impossible faking being a Sedevacantist. But if you are genuine, then welcome. Eventually we will become a numerous force and the number of children we have in our communities will quickly outnumber our enemies if not their zombie hordes.
If you DO join us. Anything you buy, be it land, homes, or whatever is YOURS. If you are willing and able to help the community with any part of it, great, but we have no problems with people owning property and respecting their property. My Sede friends have all helped me with heir time, sometimes with money, with their physical labour helping on the farm and so on. Some far more than anyone knows. And I will gladly go to war for any of them too.
That’s it. On my OG blog I have longer pieces and more detailed notes on how to improve your situation, as well as a perspective that as I described in the short but very effective book, BELIEVE! is not of the usual bible-thumping boomer. I was a heathen with the morals of a noble savage, I indulged in women (but not drugs, or alcohol) more than most men ever will, and my conversion to Catholicism was as completely unexpected to me as it probably was to Saul (Paul) on his Road to Damascus moment. And also just as complete.
This substack, like the OG blog tries to provide you with help —solutions you can put into action— and to date I don’t have any “paid subscribers only” posts and I sincerely hope I never will. I do retain the OG blog and appreciate your support here even if you read mostly there, because as I said, your financial support helps me and my family, but the point here is not to “make money” but rather to be able to help as many of you to get over, overcome and win against the dystopian future the Clown Worlders want to create for you. And while you might thing I wish fire and brimstone on any non-Catholics,, that is not the case. I wish you the best too. Just don’t do your communities near me or trying to join them with mine. You are different and in my most charitable opinion possible, no community that is non-side will have the straight to survive and thrive. Partly yes this is based on the fact that Catholicism is the ONLY religion that has risen from the ashes unchanged multiple times in 2 millennia, and I do believe that is because Jesus promised he will always be with us, but partly it is also based in my very real, very worldly, very practical experience of how sedevacantists have treated and behaved with me and me with them.
I always say that as far as Catholics go, I am NOT a pious man that became crusader.
I was more of a literal mercenary fighter that had a sudden change of heart that was absolutely real and total and became as zealous and fanatical a fighter as he always was seeking for the truth, but I have in no way forgotten the lessons of the “world” and while I no longer am “of the world” nor have I ever served it. I have a better understanding of living or surviving in it than most. Like de Valette when he shocked his Catholic Knights when in response to the Muslim invaders of Malta that had tortured captured knights to death, he decapitated all the Muslims prisoners and fired their heads into the enemy encampment, I am not a “nice” Catholic. But I am an effective one.
And if you are under the delusion that Catholicism is “feminised” then you are simply one of the millions fooled into thinking the Bergoglian Satanic Novus Orco “Church” is Catholicism. It is not. If you want to know what Catholics are actually like, then read this book. I have read several thousand books in my 55 years on Earth, and this one is definitely in my top 3. Possibly my very top one. You will not be disappointed.
So that’s my take. Yes I am a misanthrope. Yes, most people think I am “too harsh”, and the name “The Kurgan” was given to me, I didn’t pick it for myself, partly as a result of my direct, happy-go-lucky character which many see as being analogous to the real hero of the Highlander film. But… if you’re on my side and I am on yours, you will find few better men to share a foxhole with. And I’m not going to sugar coat it when the swarm of drones come for us either.
So fuck Dale Carnegie. My friends are not the types who just help you move. They are the types who help you move bodies.
PS: Forgive any typos. My time is limited and I have not re-read this post.
Your typos are forgiven. I am thinking about what a return to the premodern faith of our fathers -- the Orange Reformation would entail. And if I should publish it -- at all. Part of being safe in this time of chaos is OPSEC.
You ignored sigma game