We are at a human threshold. A cusp from which certainly Hell on Earth wants to be unleashed by all the major “players” of this Earthly domain. Wars everywhere, and worse, the constant oppression of normal people by rules, laws, taxes, and regulations ever more draconian and absurd.
We all know the nefarious intent of our supposed masters. At least everyone who is not literally asleep in their zombified “vaccinated”, nanobot-infused, chem-trail affected, long-covid brain-fogged state of discombobulation is.
That, we hope, is you and me both, reader.
It is easy under such an apparently pervasive cloud of darkness to lose heart.
In fact, that is their aim. That is literally the point.
Depressed and demoralised people do not fight back. they surrender. They go along with. They get on the cattle trains.
But a LOT of this negative stuff is mostly in your head. Yes there are nanobots. yes they want to kill you with “vaccines” and yes even the actual vaccines turn out to be murderous and at the very least sterilising in intent. Yes there are chem-trails, and yes they are trying to insert the mRNA crap in all the food. And the “food” is now often just 3d printed rubber.
Yeah. I’m not saying it’s easy or good or happy-times. But the thing is, you need to become like the Spartans in the film adaptation of the graphic novel 300.
The Spartans are hiding behind their shields as a rain of thousands of arrows is being rained down on them and one of them begins to laugh. When asked why he replies, well, you had to say it: “We’re fighting in the shade.” And all the other Spartans start laughing too.
Think of me as that first guy.
Yeah, it’s bad.
You know what is worse:
Giving up.
Feeling defeated.
Letting the bastards see you getting tired, weak, etcetera.
Now, I happen to think Luigi Mangione is probably innocent and being completely set up, as I posted earlier today, but the narrative of his logic is correct.
And the ONLY way we change things is by:
Having a mental and spiritual attitude that is undefeated regardless of actual conditions on the ground. I have been a fighter all my life, and I have never had a weak or defeatist mindset even as a child, and yet… NOTHING has made me as resilient as understanding what Catholicism really is, where is the only Catholicism left, and then formally becoming a real Catholic by being baptised by one of the remaining actual Catholic Priests left, that is, a Sedevacantist priest, because the only actual Catholics left are the ones that still follow the infallible magisterium of the Church as it always was before the heresies and usurpation of the Vatican II Freemasons/Satanists that started on 28th October 1958. You may have your own ideas or religion or ideologies, but honestly, none of them compare and the proof is in the communities these people build. The only slight exception might be the Amish, but they reject violence even in self-defence, so they will not be a tenable structure in due course.
Forming a COHESIVE community (this generally requires they have the same mindset as you in the fundamentals, i.e. the same religion, nationality and culture you have, by and large) in the real world, in the flesh that therefore, manages to provide self-sufficiency in the following things:
Food security (real food and enough of it for everyone in the community)
Water security (water free of whatever crap they plan to put in it or are already doing)
As much as possible the lack of need to rely on FIAT money at all
Energy security (production of your own electric and fuel energy for the community)
Finally but ultimately most importantly: Physical security, which means the number of men and arms, necessary to defend your community from foreign invaders, be they government thugs or more generic thugs. Like it or not, agree with it or not, the only actual “rights” you have on this Earth are the ones that you have sufficient force to be able to hold on to.
Taking part in local politics and infiltrate, subvert and take over as many branches of local or even regional government as you can.
Reproduce and educate your children properly, to build a future inhabited by self-motivated, capable and coherent human beings.
You may think this is impossible or a pipe dream, but I remind you that one man and his family, after an altercation with a police officer, went back on his large farm and never left it again, and his numerous family prevented any law enforcement from ever trying to go and “get him” because it would have resulted in a shoot-out. That’s just one large family.
Same sort of thing happened with the Bundy Standoff. A bunch of random armed Cowboys drove off the actual Federal Government. Yes, Ruby Ridge and Waco happened, and maybe somewhere will happen again, but the government thugs that look forward to shooting unarmed mothers with their bay on the breast, like the cowardly scum “sniper” Lon Horiuchi, who I believe has rightfully been in hiding for years, are starting to realise that you can only push people so far before they respond in kind.
As a general rule, the type of person attracted to “law enforcement” is, broadly speaking, someone that was too incompetent to become a criminal without the stamp of government approval.
Yes exceptions exist and are real and decent human beings trying to fight a completely corrupt system where the cops only do what they are told and follow orders. After all, the price of being part of the gang is that you do as the boss says, no matter how unjust, absurd, or evil the orders are.
The reality is that as we can see in Syria currently, and Ukraine and Gaza too, and in every war that preceded these, the final arbiter of a conflict is the actual infantry. The boots on the ground, so to speak. Which is why the American military, supposedly the most powerful fighting force on the planet, was ultimately sent back home with its tail between its legs by both rice farmers —armed with shovels to dig tunnels and sharp sticks— in Vietnam; goat herders armed with ancient and unreliable weapons in Afghanistan; and currently, running away with their aircraft carriers from a bunch of sand-people armed with a few drones.
The point is that short of massive and concentrated military might that includes massive artillery and swarms of drones, as well as huge numbers of infantry, even a small force can cause so much damage to a larger enemy that it becomes impractical to fight them.
10 men properly armed and trained and willing can be a formidable force against 100 men in a regular army. Consider that the 10 men are fighting for their family and their lives. The 100 soldiers are there because they got orders to be there. This is how grandfathers and civilians held off the Ukrainian murder-mill in the Donbas from 2014 to 2022. For eight years it was irregular civilians that fought off the constant shelling and barrage by the Ukrainians.
So… first EDUCATE yourself (but not even too much) on all that is possible. It is FAR more than you imagine.
Secondly, ignore anything that tells you that “you can’t.” If I had not done that I would not have published some 20 books to my name, had five children, and a sixth one on the way, changed career, country, continent and lifestyle as much as I did and always made it work somehow, and done many, many other things. Is it hard? Sure. Sometimes it’s brutal. But ask me if it’s worth it. ABSOLUTELY. Always.
And besides, what else you got to do?
So, no matter your situation, start. Or support the Kurganate and join us.
But sometimes it pays to let them think they’ve broken you. Julian Assange is the bravest and most honourable man on the planet. He’s also a genius. Did they break him? Did they trans him and turn him into a coward and clown like they did Manning? He’ll probably never be free. But you know that within his own heart, he probably is.
the americans were destined to lose in vietnam, b/c of how the situation was structured. The vietnamese could never leave vietnam but the americans could. The purpose, like most of the bankers wars, appears to have been to kill as many strong honorable men as possible.