I wrote a much longer version of this post with personal anecdotes at the OG blog (which I suggest you all bookmark and visit daily since it’s easier for me to blog there as I can do it on my phone through the day while I can only do this from my PC), but the concept is important enough I am doing a TL;DR version here, which essentially is this:
The most important thing in life is family. This does not necessarily mean the family you were born into, which can be awesome, good, meh, bad, or nightmarish, depending on how short a cosmic straw you got. But even if you had a truly horrific family life, the point is that as you become an adult you can:
Get away from them.
Become independent of ALL of them if need be.
Heal. You are NOT your experiences and you are NOT your personality. You can CHOOSE and decide who you want to be, and then work relentlessly towards it until you get there (which never ends anyway, so you may as well do that regardless of how good or bad a family you were born into). Easy to do? No. Doable? Absolutely. The OG site has a lot more resources in this respect even if you don’t do any hypnosis with me, there are enough articles to provide general help of where to begin to save you time.
Most important of all: Build your own family. Of course, the crappier your origin story, the more time you might want to take before you jump in with both feet at this endeavour. A little thought, some wisdom, and decent perspective are all very helpful if you had a hard-luck beginning. The main point is that being in a stable, life-long marriage and having children (plural) is really the whole point of life. Are there other things to enjoy along the way? Sure. But they all pale in comparison to this main purpose. Why? We’ll get to that, but for now, allow me to dispel some of the Boomer created toxic myths that you might be infected with.
The Boomer Lies are just that: Lies. But to REALLY understand the core of this, you need to eventually wade into philosophy, then metaphysics and ultimately, theology, which, in its objective form is really only the full range of what philosophy used to mean. From the Greek: Philo - friend/lover Sofia - Wisdom
So lover of wisdom or wisdom between friends (discussing life and all the theories of the universe we operate under. If you do this, the search for truth and meaning can (and in fact even in the best of cases will) take years. Even decades and you could become addicted to the search without really ever becoming convinced on any of the answers that you may get, some of which will be lies, some will be only partial truths and few will be absolutely correct, true and eternal. So you have a bit of a quandary here. Should you just take my word for it, get married to the first zealot-like female that will agree that divorce leads to Hell and make 15 children that will die from exposure and starvation when you are unable to feed them on your meagre salary and/or government enforced Universal Income on the basis of using you and yours as lab rats for their genetic and pharmaceutical transhumanist experiments? I would say no. But neither should you spend 30 years studying everything from Arianism to Zoriastrianism to make sure you definitely have the right religion. My advice is this, which is purely practical and even if you are currently an atheist you cannot deny fits the observable reality:
You know (or can look into it and find out soon enough) that the main way the planet operates is by the use of the absurd concepts of: FIAT Money. Which is created out of literal nothing by the people who control it which are essentially in all cases Jewish families that have been doing this for centuries and who have financed both sides of pretty much all major wars and certainly WWI and WWII. If you think this is a conspiracy theory, you’re right. It’s THEIR conspiracy theory and it has plenty of evidence. I suggest you look up the work of Antony Sutton and particularly his 3 books on Wall Street and Hitler. NO ONE has ever been able to prove any errors with his work. You may also want to begin to really study the real reasons WWII happened and how it’s origins in WWI stem back to the Freemasonic/Illuminati/Carbonari (all secret societies with Jewish influenced overtones) plan to destroy the royal houses of Europe in order to weaken the Catholic Church, since in about 900 Charlemagne had made it clear that the royals and nobles were the protecting lay arm of the Catholic Church; and regardless of the fact that there have been gay, power-hungry and evil Popes (yet Valid ones in terms of their not having tried to change the dogma of Catholicism) along with any number of corrupt and degenerate Bishops and priests, it is also a fact that the DOGMATIC rules of Catholicism have created also the most pious of men, the most just societies humanity has ever seen, and that it was mostly Catholic monks that invented the scientific method. Why was it important to destroy, and infiltrate Catholicism? Because Catholicism has historically been the ONLY effective counter to the parasitic creatures that run this planet on the principles of Talmudic beliefs, which include the usury on the already absurd FIAT money, the defrauding, enslaving and killing of those not of the Talmudic tribe, and the having sex with toddlers not being a crime. Don’t believe me? Read yourself a bit of Talmud and see for yourself. So, the point is that if you were going to pick a religion on the basis of its effectiveness to counter the current zeitgeist, which is 98% as per the Talmudists want it, you could do worse than Catholicism. In fact you can ONLY do worse. BUT… there is a catch, because what MOST people thing is Catholicism (i.e. the pesos in the Vatican) is in fact straight up Satanism masquerading as “Catholicism” and ever single clergyman, from the lowest deacon to the “Pope” himself is guilty of being a knowing Satanic perpetrator of evil by promulgating a false religion that is in fact the very inversion of the real Catholicism that has existed since the time of Christ. That Catholicism is currently exhibited only by what are commonly referred to as 1958 Sedevacantists (because the fake Popes first entered the Vatican on 28th October 1958 with a freemason invalidly elected, Angelo Roncalli, and have been fake Popes ever since.) There remain Sedevacantist Bishops and priests, which operate exactly as Bishops and Priests always did between the election of one valid Pope and the next, a period known as an Interregnum, that is, they can dispense sacraments and create priests and Bishops by use of the traditional rites on the assumption of positive validity that has always been taken for granted until a valid Pope is elected and usually confirms all the elections by silent assent (i.e. saying nothing).
The above in part a. is the reality and shortcut if you want to explore it it is a deep and lengthy story (because the Satanists always operate via secret societies and deception, since their father is the Prince of Lies, but there is plenty of evidence for all of this, most people are unaware of it because the plan extends over a few centuries so is orchestrated in a way that most human lifetimes simply don’t notice. You can shortcut a lot of research by reading Believe! (approx 2 hour read) and following up the references, or RTCC (much longer read with a LOT more references and details). But assuming you think I’m an idiot, wrong, or maybe you bought into the idiotic Jewish inspired and Protestant believed lie that Catholicism is evil and the Jews are the good guys, and Israel is your best ally… let’s then simply look at things from a purely materialistic perspective:
You still can’t deny who operates FIAT money, controls most of entertainment and news and thus shapes public opinion. See also: The silence on the Gaza genocide. The USS Liberty. Who is financing the DAs that don’t prosecute crime. Who is pushing the Tranny and homosexual agenda, who finances this stuff and where the Trannification hormones are built, who pushed for and still pushes for abortion clinics, foreign immigration for thee but not for me and so on. The conclusion that the Talmudians are behind most of the evil we see in the world, the unfairness and the corruption is inescapable.
You of course have plenty of non-jews at the trough too, like the disgusting, parasitic pigs they all are (with my deepest apologies to the worst elements of the porcine family of creatures for comparing them to these toxic scum). So you are now left with only three options:
Extinction. Give up. Let your people, ethnicity and culture die out and be overrun by the DIE-fication orchestrated against you. Do not reproduce. Do not have children. Become a homosexual and collect your Universal Basic Income as you also take the experimental genetic serums mandated for your class and eat the insect flour.
Nihilism. Carry on in a stupefied zombie-like torpor and apathy, doing whatever you can to avoid the worst of it and “get by” without making waves. If you do reproduce expect to be subjected to divorce and permanent slave labour as “your” children are raised by the state and a hormonal harpy and whatever boyfriends deign to use her for sex in transitory fashion.
Fight back. Either end up as the latest “terrorist” on the front page for months, which is not advisable, but maybe you have nothing left to lose, or… Create a community of like minded people, make as many children as possible, become independent of FIAT money as much as possible and create your own clean water, food and electric energy. Be ready to defend your position when the evil overlords eventually take notice of you, which is why: Community first. And in that case, whether you like it or not, hardcore Catholicism of the type Sedevacantists have, which is the same one the Princes of the First Crusade had in 1095, and also the same one the knights of Malta in 1565 had, is really unlike anything else, including serving in the military together, in terms of creating bonds with people that outlast pretty much any hardship thrown at you.
Assuming you still just want to go at it your own way… guess what, your DNA still has to show up to be counted, so making children is the way. And aside the propagation of your DNA and the species and the part of humanity best capable and most fair and just, children truly are a joy. Nothing is as awesome as seeing your children grow and evolve and learn. So, regardless of the difficulties in having lots of children, the reality is that making them is the smart thing. And if illiterate peasants used to have a dozen of them and somehow survive, and if barely literate foreigners are outbreeding you in your own countries, then surely you can at least match them in numbers, right? The point is… is this a harder path than living alone in your corporate job sipping lattes and playing video games? Sure. So what? One life has a purpose, the other does not.
Ultimately this is the Matrix choice. Do you want to keep “living” (that is existing, as long as those who decide for you want you to, or until one of their experiments finally does you in) in the fairness, or do you want to actually LIVE, regardless of the fact that reality is harsh and you’re essentially in an existential war between Good and Evil? And not making a choice is the same as choosing the blue pill, pilgrim, so no one gets to stay on the fence.
No one is coming to save you. Trump, Elon, Putin, they are all just players on the other side of the Talmudic/Freemasonic/Satanist coin. YOU, and only YOU need to save yourself and your own. And you can ONLY do that by either forming the right type of community, or joining one that already exists and is forming. Otherwise you will be replaced. And no, it’s not even being hidden now.
So that’s it. Basically if you are not doing this, you are essentially wasting time on distractions. And there sure are enough of them. Drugs, sluts, porn, games, “entertainment” frivolities, luxuries and on and on and on.
if and when you realise what is truly important, you would certainly spend your life differently I hope. And that is what this and the OG blog are about. Giving you options and saving you a lot of time in finding answers that will help you create a life where yes, you CAN have a bunch of children.
And finally, remember: If you are not working towards creating and preserving your family, your friends, your culture, your tribe, your religion, you’re being distracted into becoming a vanishing NPC; and THAT is what hedonism really amounts to.