I have been reading The Slavland Chronicles for a relatively short period of time.
I posted something positive about some of his content and was promptly informed he is some kind of gnostic Satanist. I asked for references to this and the provided links did not measure up to the accusations, though it is probable that he is in fact, not a Christian (but then, who is, as readers here will know, I only consider 1958 Sedevacantist Catholics as actual Christians. Everyone else is just some shade of Churchman Heretic or fooled ignorant and lazy non-thinker).
If he deigns to answer, I would ask him the following questions:
What is your position concerning Jesus Christ, the first crusade of 1095 and the Catholic Church pre 1958?
Perhaps his most interesting article to date concerns the detailing of a man’s life I was not even aware existed: Mosgovoi: The Warlord of Donbas. It’s part II so you might want to read part I first, but this one is definitely more interesting. What we can tell about the writer is that according to him he too was fooled by some of the Trump-mania and what he calls ZAnon manufactured enthusiasm for Putin and Russia (the Eastern equivalent of QAnon). But then he woke up and realised the nuances and came to the conclusion that Putin too is under the rule of just another faction of the Jews that run the West. It’s a very well written piece, long but worth the read if you are hoping to make any sense of things in a broader context.
After reading this Rurik Skywalker, I initially came to the tentative view that he was some disgruntled slav in Slavland, doing what disgruntled slavs do, which is bitch about their government (and again, who can blame any man that hates his own government? Especially given they are all a bunch of pedovores?)
Then I noticed that he was quite vicious in his criticism of Putin and Russia’s government in general. I wondered if he was some kind of Western shill put in place to demonise/demoralise the rather huge support for Putin in the West by the average guy with two functioning brain cells but not four or so.
Now I wonder if he might just be what he says he is. Just a guy, seeing through the lies and propaganda as time passes and re-evaluating his position as he goes.
Very few men have the capacity to self-correct on the basis of being confronted with new factual information. Most human beings have all the capacity for self-actualised and self-directed thought that chips might have. Okay, okay, chimps on crack. I don’t want to denigrate the poor chimps.
In any case, I was wrong on Catholicism (for the same reason most of us are wrong about most things: We have been lied to constantly since birth about pretty much everything) for most of my life, and then had an experience and subsequent few years of obsessive study that have convinced me that actual Catholicism —which has nothing to do with Novus Orco Satanic “Catholicism” that has been in effect [and accelerating] since 28th October 1958— describes the reality of the condition of this planet better than any other philosophy religion, ideology or concept I came across in my 55 years of life so far. It is accurate, predictive and has been pointing out who the imps of Satan are for over two millennia.
But our possible friend Rurik undoubtedly has had a different path to mine and not had a Road to Damascus event followed by undeniable evidence of Catholicism’s correctness. And absent that, I can’t really judge him too harshly if he thinks all of religion and maybe Catholicism in particular is just some power-monger’s weapon to subjugate all the rest of us. I certainly thought along those lines myself for many years.
So I suspect IF Mr. Skywalker there, were to actually spend some time on it, he might just find out that this old and supposedly “dead” religion, is actually the ultimate truth.
Just think of me as Obi-Wan but with a red lightsaber, trying to both figure out if young Rurik is actually good enough material… not for the rebellion (bunch of DIE freaks and unwashed hippies) nor the bloated Empire (reminiscent of failing and bloated America) but a new breed of disciplined Imperials, who are willing to use the unvarnished and brutal truth as weapon against any who are against it.
I will be sending him a shot email, to let him know of this post. We’ll see if he bothers to acknowledge it or reply.
Not a Christian, but thanks for the shoutout!
I have to confess that I voted for Trump twice even though I knew that I was wasting my vote (living in a democratic state). Now he might be Slightly better than Harris but maybe not because he tends to put conservatives to sleep… thanks for the reading suggestions