With Thanks to Anonymous Conservative.
The blog is at the address above: www.thekurganblog.com
So AC posted about me very unexpectedly here, and very kindly, so he has my thanks. Unfortunately my Amazon bio has a link to the now defunct site that was hacked, the OG blog is at the link up there below the heading of this blog, or here, for future reference: https://www.thekurganblog.com and as AC said, it’s true I will be shadow banned (I am already non-indexed by Google, and was already so non-indexed at the old blog that was hacked by US state actors in October/November of last year.
His Series on the American Stasi is fascinating and unfortunately ever more likely to be correct in important aspects, which in itself made me aware of yet another level of the deception we face on this prison planet of lies.
I mean, I have known that pretty much everything is fake and gay and this planet has no semblance of anything even remotely resembling fairness with a definite certainty since I first wrote the Face on Mars, because once you figure out anti-g tech exists, connecting the dots is easy. And if you are not sure what I mean by that, then I suggest you read my Omnibus book (which is really three books in one) called Nazi Moon, which is the three books of the Overlords of Mars all in one place. The tech in them is real, existed in 1999 and the story I am told by those who have read it is enjoyable, makes you think and apparently the book is fairly un-put-downable, because it is SF as it used to be, instead of the woke propaganda we have now been subjected to for several decades.
Psyops is not news to me since I was subjected to having my phone tapped, a house break-in, various hacks on my hardware and software and years of semi-regular softer psyops of various kinds. I know I have been on probably many lists for a long time. But I am also somewhat unusual in that I understand the very real dangers of unfettered access to anti-g technology, so I am not exactly an advocate for its widespread use.
What I do wish (and it’s probably completely utopia as a wish) is that the people in charge of it had better, stronger and good ethics.
Which may well be impossible given the fact that once you have anti-G you are going to become known to other civilisations that have anti-G. And once that happens, well… subterfuge is the order of the day. You can hardly use anti-G as weaponry when everyone else also has it. Yes, you can obliterate a whole planet in hours. Cool. So can everyone else. So subterfuge, deception and smoke and mirrors (that can still be very deadly in any case) becomes the order of the day.
Anyway, if you are really interested in figuring out how the world really works, I suggest you read The Face on Mars first, (non-fiction) then Nazi Moon (fiction but with a lot of actual science). And if you want to know what antidote to the depressing news that you live on a prison planet that is filled with lies you might have, then read Believe! (a very short but powerful read) and then Reclaiming the Catholic Church.
And if you want to have a very rough idea of what my idealised group of people that should have access to anti-G might possibly be like —assuming that Nazi Moon doesn’t quite show you the whole picture yet (it does not because there at least another three books that need to be written int hat series, though it is a complete story so far)— you may want to read this book instead, which I became aware of only after I had written my own.
And if you want to grasp what ACTUAL CATHOLICS are like, not the simulacra of it that the impostors of the Novus Orco “Church” Satanists have convinced most people is “Catholicism” then read this book, which is meticulously researched non-fiction.
And then this one. If you don’t want to beCatholic after that, there may be something wrong with your testosterone levels, your justice meter, or your logic function. Or all three.
But in all honesty, if you do read all seven of those books linked to above, your grasp of what is really going on on this planet and where we and you specifically fit into it, will surpass that of almost every human being on Earth. You will literally be in the top 0.1% of humanity in regards to this without any shadow of a doubt. And quite possibly in the top 0.001% (which would still be 8,000,000 people, which is probably still too large a number).
At any rate, I wish you all a belated happy start to 2025.
Mine began with a broken boiler and no hot water for most of 2 days, when thanks to a friend, it was fixed. It was rather unpleasant, but on the up side, made me reconnect with a good guy.
May your days be happy, free of worry, and most of all, free of the vicious banisters, pedophiles and satanists that temporarily have control of most of the levers of power on Earth currently.
Good to know the site is back up. Will bookmark. Everything true, beautiful and of good report is now shadowbanned.
Happy New Year my friend, may it bring you & your family health, wealth & happiness with the untold blessings of our Father in Heaven