The Kurgan
The name was given to me by internet denizens that felt my happy-go-lucky, take no prisoners’ approach to life reminded them of the actually fun guy from the Highlander film, where I was clearly maligned by that depressed, whiny, morose, Scots-frenchman.
After many lifetimes I have become a proper Catholic Crusader, which means I despise the Satanists in the Vatican, more than the various heretics, pagans and low-IQ Atheists. I have been an Atheist briefly (from age 7 to about 12 or so, since Atheist is really only teenage angst at the world), a Zen-Agnostic believer in an intelligence behind creation on some level, for most of my life (the math simply does not support atheism), a Deist very briefly after a Road to Damascus Moment, and ultimately a proper Catholic, which today means a Sedevacantist, as they are the only actual Catholics left.
I have written several books, ranging from the Planet Mars, to Russian Martial Arts I practiced and taught for years, and on the current state of the Catholic Church (and how to fix it) as well as various science and other fiction works. You can fin the digital editions of my books here: E-Store you will also find links under each book to the Amazon version if you prefer a paper copy, but not all my books are digital, so here is also the Amazon link.