I really like Anonymous Conservative. His r/K theory of humanity/politics is really one of those things that clicks a lot of other stuff in place, and his perspective on the American Stasi (surveillance) is genuinely interesting.
That said, his latest post (which includes some stuff about Thiel) is, I think, a tad optimistic.
Americans, and the entire anglo-saxon world really, has been saying things like:
“When the Saxon begins to hate…”
And essentially wagging their finger online with the equivalent of “I’m just about to start really getting angry and doing something about this!” since the early 1990s, and all I have seen, globally, but even more so in the UK and USA, is a continued retreat, to the point where now in the UK (and in Germany) people criticising the goat-fuckers that rape European children en masse tend to get longer jail sentences than the foreign rapists.
In short, I see absolutely NOTHING changing and no sign of ANY pushback.
Furthermore, the recent COVID experiment has also demonstrated most people will pretty much sodomise themselves with a deadly genetic serum on command rather than push back with something as innocuous as civil disobedience.
Furthermore people were kept separate and almost none of them have re-learnt, or learnt for the first time, how to become social creatures in real life with friends they meet in person instead of online. This in itself is preventing most of them from even being able to conceive of organising themselves in practical, in-the-flesh situations.
A few small countries in Eastern Europe on the other hand, simply ignored all the mandates, mask and Vaxx and just carried on as normal and their governments shut the fuck up and didn’t bring it up again. But did anyone in the West? Not really. I recall a British friend of mine that at the start of COVID laughed at the “chaos” of the Italians who after having been told to stay where they were, immediately drove back home or to wherever they needed to get to.
Italy’s lockdown was apparently pretty bad, but I never really experienced it. I went about my business normally, only occasionally wearing mask when some Karen would have made it more trouble to not do so for a minute or two. I was stopped by police a few times but none of them ever tried to tell me anything about the mask other than a commander who told me that there was no law that could force me to wear one.
I ignored the “mandatory” vacs for over 50s, as did most over 50s and had zero consequences. A few got fined but the fines went unpaid and have recently been abrogated (removed).
The long and the short of it is that the anglo-saxons tend to be more social creatures, and having been neutered for some 80 years by constant propaganda, brainwashing and fake foods with zero nutritious content, they have all gone very, very, very soft. And as a result they still do behave more like social creatures than your average latino/dago/spic, which in their case resembles a herd of cattle marching to the abattoir more than anything else. While their young are being raped in the corral next to theirs with impunity.
So, yeah, I really wish I was wrong, but I think AC is way too optimistic about his fellow Americans.
What do you think?
Depends on which part of the country - Appalachia yes, San Francisco No
nothing showed the POWER of the brainwashing like covid. I wouldn't wear the mask and caught a ration of crap for it many times. I grew up in the hills of west va in the 60's and was never properly socialized.
I went where I wanted despite the lockdown . the cops were afraid of catching the cof and never stopped me . many of my right wing friends cowered in their houses and got jabbed.
I saw a riot on the new in the Uk , thousands of men raging through the streets , cowering the cops and trashing crap. was it covid? no was it rape gangs? no There was a soccer championship in Germany , and the English fans didn't get a fair allotment of seats for the tournament.
at this point , I tell my kids that the goal is to make it through, faith and family and friends intact.
I was traveling with my wife when they announced the lockdowns . I told her then that all the "conspiracy theories " about a world government had to be true. the world would have never wrecked their economies unless they feared someone or something more than economic destructions. they all went along.