TLDR Version - As Mao put it, all politics comes out of the barrel of a gun.
Every Venetian child above the age of five knows this, so it’s not exactly a revelation to me or anyone of normal intelligence, but there are some slightly less well-known aspects that make a huge difference.
Last night I had a chat with a very interesting gentleman who may also soon be moving to Italy and possibly to join our Sede community. he has an interesting background and (like most real humans) might be somewhat of an unexpected Sedevacantist, but that’s not the point. The point is that when I moved here 3 years ago and said I would form a Kurganate of Sedevacantists that are co-ordinated, helpful to each other, all have a REAL and deep belief in actual Catholicism,1 and over time would form a viable communityt hat had the power and capacity to resist clown world, many may have thought I was some kind of insane weirdo intent on becoming a cult leader.2
This is par for the course, because everyone has been trained for some 80 years to be docile, to assume anyone trying to get organised for the common good is a con-man or a grifter (because MANY are) and even when, like me, I ask nothing of people who want to form part of this community other than their sincerity in their faith, because we have found that people who have initially “good intentions” but are NOT Catholic and have no intent in becoming proper Catholics, inevitably, end up being a net negative. We have tested this multiple times in the last 5 years, even before we moved to Italy, and although I blogged about this at my original blog at (temporarily down as we resolve the major hack that was done on it by US state actors, which is in itself a good indicator I was over the target), the simple reality is that if you want a community that is absolutely resilient to Clown World it needs to have, at a bare minimum as a foundation, a common religious faith.
Catholicism (again, the real one, not the pedo-commie-Bergoglio version) has got two thousand years of constant proof that not only it is resilient, but it continues to remain even when more than 90% of it fails, like it has done today with the usurpation of Vatican II, or it did during the Arian Heresy, when 99% of all clergy became heretic.
In short, Catholicism is true and the only real Christianity that has ever existed, but even if you don’t believe that, and you think your personal cult of Protestantism number 7,942 is the “real” Christianity, or your weird pagan Wicca belief is, the point is that until you have a COHERENT religious (spiritual) underpinning, nothing you do will last beyond your generation, at best. This was all explained in a multi-part series I was writing at the old blog (don’t worry, it WILL come back) called Theoretical Models of Society (TMOS). This is the cliff notes version. Anyway, at a minimum you NEED a coherent spiritual underpinning that is homogenous. Which is why Protestantism will never produce long-term effective results. Its very nature is atomised individualism.
Catholicism respects the individual in absolute terms, but within the context of the broader principle of what it means to be a human being, which is why Catholicism is always far more subtle, nuanced and deep than any brand of Protestantsim, yet has always been unwavering in its dogmatic belief in, absolutes, like, for example, the death penalty for certain crimes, or the duty of any Catholic man to protect the innocents, his family or himself, including by pre-emptively acting first. In short, if an intruder breaks into your home, you don’t have to wait for him to first shoot at you, rape your wife or murder your children. You can turn his head into a pink cloud long before he does those things. And of course, afterwards, you really should say a Hail Mary over his headless corpse, and of course, given the laws today, that are a far cry from anything resembling justice, you will almost certainly be subjected to severe consequences by the secular powers, but from a Catholic perspective, you’re in the right.
Let me quickly reiterate in very summarised form what you really need to resist Clown World successfully even if it gets nasty (as it almost certainly will in the next few years/decades):
Community - You can’t fight the whole of Clown World alone. Not even if you’re Batman. But a community means several things:
It must be coherent3 and this necessarily implies a very strong shared belief system that goes to the very core of the members of this community. Personally I have worked and had friends for years in things like armed close protection, martial arts and so on, and NOTHING even came close to the coherence, loyalty and deep, mutual respect, I have found between proper Catholics (i.e. Sedevacantists).
It must be numerous enough to make some difference.
It must be self-sufficient and independent of Clown World at the very practical level. This in turn implies many things, such as:
Clean Water
Clean food production
Available energy/fuel
Available medicine, surgery, dentistry
Ability to defend your property, family and community
Ultimately, the real ultimate freedom is to be able to be independent of Fiat money. This is not easy and anyone that has tried to do this on a global scale was murdered for it, but within a relatively “small” (but big enough to matter) community if you grow your own food and have your own community members providing essential services, the reality is that even if money disappeared, you would still be able to survive, which is a net impossibility for 99.999% of the planet’s inhabitants.
The ability to defend yourself - Ultimately this means weapons, and the willingness to use them in self-defence. Most people have no idea how effective even a small group is when they are armed. There is the story of the Bundy Standoff. Bundy, a rancher who had the support of a community of cowboys and when the federal government turned up with eight car-fulls of armed federal agents, they found themselves facing several dozen armed cowboys with rifles and handguns in they hands, peacefully observing. The Feds got back in their cars and left. There is the sort of one man who had an altercation with a policeman or state trooper over some dispute of his not having either a gun or his car licence I forget, anyway, the fight got physical and the man bit the officer, then got away in his car and retired to his ranch, which was family owned and composed of 20-30 adult family members too. The forces of supposed law and order were told in no uncertain terms that any attempt to enter the property to arrest this man would me met with firepower. The man did not leave his ranch for decades, but no one went to arrest him either, and I believe ultimately he was pardoned some decades later. The point is that no one wants to be the tip of the spear that gets blown away from either side of whatever conflict you may be on.
A substacker I only just started reading, but that seems to be one of the more astute writers, made this point very clear, and I want to copy it here:
See: Mosca’s Law — hostile organized minorities always end up dominating in Liberal societies.
Zelensky actually turned on his own oligarch sponsor (Kholomoisky) and ran him out of power. Since then, he hasn’t been able to make friendly with any of the other gangs in Ukraine or Donbass (or Russia). Zelensky doesn’t seem to have anyone in his corner outside of his own cabinet in Ukraine that I know of. Usually, this kind of a situation leads to an overthrow by a coup or a “populist” revolution or forced elections that the incumbent is guaranteed to lose. But, because Zelensky has a foreign backer that is sending over huge amounts of money, Zelensky and his team have enough money coming in that they can continue to outbid the competition for the loyalty of key people in the country. In Ukraine’s case, we are talking about the secret police and the military and the armed paramilitary gangs bankrolled by oligarchs.
This is how all power politics works. Power politics is perennial. Take the time to study it instead of debating who gets to pee and poo in what toilet.
Now, of course, you don’t want to be weird and end up as Waco 2.0, but the point is that organised groups that are able to defend themselves tend to get left alone longer and when powerful and large enough tend to also be able to self-determine eventually. This is ideally all done peacefully, but human history is replete with examples where eventually that peacefulness comes to an end. The world is divided into three types of people:
Those who want to rule over you.
Those who want to be left alone.
Everyone else (they will follow whoever wins the fight).
The sad reality is that in order to be left alone, you have to have enough firepower to be too much of a hassle to be ruled over. and in order to do that you need to be a large enough group of people, and in order to do THAT, you probably have to rule over some people.
Sad as that vicious circle of Hell is on this broken Earth, a Catholic domain is the most objectively just, fair and ultimately free (within the confines of Catholic dogma) than any other system humans have come up with to date.
“But muh Capitalism!” You say?
No buddy. Capitalism, Communism, whatever -ism that is not deeply rooted in life-and-death level of importance spiritual underpinnings, will collapse as soon as violent and forceful pressure is brought to bear on it. The Capitalist will abandon his profit margins to escape the Gulag and the firing squad. So will the Communist abandon his Socialist agenda, and the Churchian his “Jesus is my boyfriend” lukewarm belief system. You know who you won’t bend? A priest that is willing to be killed rather than break the sacramental seal of confession. A Catholic that would rather be tortured to death than renounce Christ. And no, your local Baptist “Pastor” or Methodist, or Seventh day adventist, or mormon, isn’r going to choose the firing squad over his personal version of “Jesus in his heart”. And even if he did, his 200 followers would not.
Catholics on the other hand, have been standing shoulder to shoulder, choosing to be eaten by lions, crucified and set on fire, be decapitated, and fight to the death when outnumbered over 100:1 (and win! Multiple times!) since the very time of Christ on Earth. The lukewarm Churchian’s calling themselves “Catholics” are simply fooled ignorants of the Novus Ordo sect that has been masquerading as Catholicism since 1958, but actual Catholics, to not retreat an inch.
And yes, we are peaceful. We don’t mean to start any revolution or war. Until we need to because you will not leave us alone.
Catholics suffered the predations of Islam for nearly 400 years before they responded with he first Crusade, then they shoved the Muslims back to their original spawning areas and removed them from Europe and kept them out for the next 900 years. Only now are the (((usual suspects))), starting a new kind of invasion by use of their favourite shock troops, the Muslims and Africans whose illegal and unfettered immigration they fund with infinite money created out of thin air.
While also brainwashing you 24/7 that while it is perfectly acceptable for you to be proud to be X, as long as X is anything but anyone of caucasian European descent, it is totally unacceptable for you to want your national language, culture and people to remain as they are instead of blended with people of completely different ethnicities, religions and cultures. Especially since such “blending” has NEVER worked, throughout human history. You know what happens? Extinction. Genocide. Mass removal of people. Just ask the Cheyenne of America, the Ainu of Japan, all the people that no longer exist that Genghis Kan took exception to.
It doesn’t matter if you are a nice guy or not. It doesn’t matter if you are peaceful or not. When things get ugly, and sooner or later they always do,4 your skin colour will be your uniform, whether you like it or not. So will your ultimate deeply held absolute belief. if that is Catholicism, even in the midst of horrors, you will still be able to retain some semblance of humanity. If it is not, your agnosticism, atheism, random paganism and so on, will either be forced to shift to actual Catholicism but a road to Damascus event, or, you will revert to the most base, animalistic, me-first survival instinct of beasts trapped in a corner.
So, regardless of if you agree with my Crusader-like sentiments or not, whatever your belief system is, the formula remains the same, you need to find people that are on the same page and get together with them.
Oh… and we Catholics will also outbreed you. Just saying.
Sedevacantist clergy are the only real Catholic clergy left, so, not the pederast infested Satanic Vatican II sect that pretends to be the face of Catholicism, but the only actual Catholics left with valid priests and bishops, even if we have been in an interregnum without a valid Pope since 1958.
Those who know me however, including people who stayed with us on the farm and helped us immensely to get things cleared (the place was a mess when we arrived) are aware that while the Kurganate will never be a democracy, I have zero interest in being any kind of leader, or guru, and whatever I do I do to secure a future for my and other people’s children. With any luck, whatever ugliness we may need to face, we will be able to face ourselves, so our children don’t have to.
This implies standardised and DEEPLY held spiritual beliefs, since the underpinning of all reality is ultimately spiritual. Lukewarm belief systems are not coherent in a community when that community gets put under pressure by external forces. Spirit IS the underpinning of all reality. Even if you are an atheist, aside having the intellectual maturity of an angry teenager, your modality of operation is based on a (false) ideology of belief. Your actions or on-actions stem from your belief system, which is intangible and immaterial; i.e. spiritual, even if you might call it “ideology” thoughts, ideas, etc. Catholicism stands head and shoulders above every other religion in regard to COHESION, because it is codified and as such can be accepted only as a whole, not in parts. Which makes for strong believers ready and willing to do and be anything from formidable fighters to peaceful and willing martyrs. The rules of Catholicism are literally all written down in the Code of Canon Law of 1917, as a summary of 2,000 years of infallible and precise descriptions of concepts of eternal divine law, (and also of mutable human Church laws) derived from the very Bible the Catholics put together some 300 years after Christ ascended, as well as the same tradition that had Popes, the Holy Mass, confession and so on, all before they actually compiled the Bible. Thousands of documents were researched to ensure no contradiction or logical flaw was present in the putting together of the CoCL of 1917 (and astonishingly, none were, which is to me at least proof that the Church is indeed protected supernaturally by Jesus’s promise that He will be with us until the End of Days).
The unprecedented relatively peaceful state of Europe after 1945 through to 2019 or so, is an aberration in the timeline, and unprecedented. The pendulum has started the swing back, and it will only pick up speed.
A question Kurgan, can Fascism or Fascism like things (not sure if that's an accurate description of the Franco regime) serve as the ideological/religious (I don't really see the difference between the two) glue for a society?
BTW, you are aware that Rurik is a self-admitted Gnostic Satanist.