A fun one is thimerosol a preservation agent that includes mercury. Which has no safe minimum exposure limit, as far as I know. Pharmakia = Sorcery. Just Christians falling for Simon Magus. Again.

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"Christians". Let's not forget the ONLY Christians that ever existed and ever will exist are Catholics. And currently the ONLY vali Catholics are 1958 Sedevacantists. I am not aware of any Sede Chruches shutting down over the scamdemic and all the sedes we know did not take the genetic death-serum either. Christians are not fooled. Churchians are.

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Thimerosal (used as a preservative) can be present even in "preservative-free" injectibles, as long as it's not quite enough to be legally claimed to act as a preservative.

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Back in covid vax prime (fall 2021/spring 2022) it was a shitty time to be unemployed. Had lost my job in April 2021. By the time I got into high gear job search everything I was interested had the Covid vax disclaimer somewhere in the job description.

I was telling perspective employers that I had a negative reaction to Poly Ethylene Glycol (PEG). Well that was a lie but I wasn’t going to fake the vax card. For one we needed people to push back and two I thought at that point I may actually get life in prison. That’s how insane everyone seemed to have gone.

The PEG allergen was a complete fabrication. I would tell them there was a very real risk of me going into anaphylactic shock as it happened before. Ohhh the sympathy I didn’t get lol. “Well you are still going to need to take the jab sir.” Then I would remind them of what I had just told them “I don’t think you understand, I could literally die if that chemical hits my blood stream.” It was like talking to a brick wall.

This along with the election heist remains the most terrifying thing I have ever witnessed. It took me a while to realize that it wasn’t the actions of governmental forces that disturbed me, it was all of the assholes going along with it. Then when they all started cheerleading pregnant women to take it I about lost my marbles right along with the rest of them.

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You need to read Professor Cipolla'S Five Laws of Human Stupidity (it's available free as a PDF online). It will give you some small comfort that it's not you... it's them.

Also, it hopefully woke you up to the need to:

a) form a community of like minded people

b) become entirely self-sufficient, to the point you don't need FIAT money anymore.

Hard to do? Sure.

Necessary? Absolutely.

Besides, what else you got to do as you walk towards eventual death?

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Thank you, will check that out. I am fortunate based on where I live in CFL. Been here for a long time and am surrounded by like minded people for the most part. Very conservative area including my fam. I know a lot of people here too. So for me it wasn’t hard at all.

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What is CFL?

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yeah that was a crazy time. there was a clinic next to a school in my 'hood I would see them phyisically drag kids out of the school screaming and crying to the clinic to get vaxxed. the adults were laughing the entire time too. it was chilling. I was seeing, basically, a murder happen right in front of me on my morning commute.

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I'm not aware this actually happened anywhere. Where was this?

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Northern California

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Yes it was a crazy time. I will never be the same because of it. Scary watching it all unfold for those of us that still had use of our mind.

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Central Florida

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