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There is another element here that must be considered. What is being done in the west today is not the drawing of a sword on the battlefield, it is the unsheathing of a poisoned dagger while the man's back is turned. Treachery is regarded as the worst crime committable for a reason, it poisons everything it touches.

As for your proposed method of execution I say it is too merciful, expensive, & one dimensional. Impalement (as pioneered by Vladimir the Impaler, patron saint of border security) is far better, done properly it can take up to three day for the impaled to die, there is no need for fire safety nor woodchopping, & last (but not least) in addition to punishing our criminals/traitors it also serves as a remarkably effective border wall. Even raving armies of fanatical Muslims apparently think that the prospect of impalement just isn't worth it.

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